2017.8.4上海面签F1 13:50进排队室,16:50排号115号,19:00左右轮到我面试(中间休息了大概半个小时) 面试官是俩白人妹子,非常nice的一个面试过程,没有任何压力性的问题。
我准备的简历、成绩单以及家庭情况介绍都给了她们看,还问了关于学校的一些情况(虽然我觉得她不太懂) 我个人觉得面试过程最重要的就是自信,而且还要让考官对你有起码的尊重,不要出现一些低级错误什么的就OK啦~ 以下是我的回答:
面试官:Why this school? Why not uc 答案:Because it's close to China and It is really expensive in UC 所以我选择了这个大学 然后我又讲了为什么我没有选择UCI和UCB 面试官:What are your major? 答案:Business经济学 面试官:Do you want to transfer if you fail? I mean do you want a liberal arts degree?
Answer: Yes they also have business courses that i can take but after talking with my family and advisor we think that studying economics will help me find job after graduation so i am going to major on Economics 在回答这个问题的时候我讲了我和advisor关于这个问题讨论的过程(主要是讲我对未来就业的理解以及对学校课程的看法) 面试官:what about math? Answer:i plan to learn some basic mathematical skills which will be helpful for future study of econ but there isn't any required subject for the Business Degree 面试官:Did your high school offer those subjects? Answer: No,but i could go outside classes or choose online course and took them at my own expense 又问了一下我在高中修过的课程 面试官接着问我有没有考托福或者SAT等考试 答:有
她又问我什么时候考的?在哪里考的? 我把时间地点都告诉她 然后又聊到了学校的费用,我说我申请的是双录取,学费一年要3W美元;而她告诉了我学费更贵的专业;她还问了家里人的工作;我又把在准备DS-160时填的家庭信息讲了一遍 最后她把护照和I-20给我并且说Thank You!Goodbye!