1. 当然可以入境,不过入境后你要在英国停留多久呢?如果停留时间超过6个月的话那你就要申请移民签证了(TIER4学生/工作签证) 如果只是6个月内短期旅行过境的,那就只需要办理入境签证就可以了 2. 根据你的情况,你属于非移民类别。所以你需要申请的是普通UK Visitor Visa (VF)签证 至于申请的手续和流程你可以参考这个网站的指南来进行:
3. 你需要提供下列文件: 1. 护照原件 2. 签证申请表(Form VAF-8) 3. 近期白底彩色照片 4. 资金证明(比如银行存折) 5. 行程单 6. 其他补充材料,例如:学历证明(如果是大学生的话), 雅思成绩等.
4. UK Visas and Immigration is the organisation tasked with making decisions on all visa applications, except for those under the Immigration Rules which are considered to be low risk. You are therefore advised not to submit an application at a British Embassy or Consulate unless you have been given specific advice that this facility will be available there. However, if your local UK Visa Application Centre offers this service then they should be able to accept your application and send it on to London for decision. All UK visa services, including decision making, remain in London.
5. 不客气~希望这些信息对你有帮助! :)