办理条件 1、有效期超过6个月的护照; 2、在签证有效期内出入境次数不限的中国公民; 3、签证申请被接受后,将会发出入境许可给予申请人。申请者须在入境时向海关人员出示此证明方能入境。 4、申请人必须在递交签证申请时提供中国所在单位派往匈牙利的书面派遣信、申请人在职证明和工资单等原件。 5、如申请人从事个体经营或投资,必须提供经营者的营业执照副本及税务登记证复印件各一份并由当地工商局盖章确认。若投资人为中国公民的,还须由外经贸部备案的企业出具公函并加盖公章以及该企业的营业执照副本;若投资人为外国公民,还需由中国律师出具见证书。(注:如果申请人的企业有外国投资者则必须提供外商投资批准证书。) 6、申请人在申请商务签证时必须提供以下材料原件及复印件:由匈牙利邀请方出具的正式邀请信原件(包括邀请函原件),注明申请人的姓名及其在匈牙利停留时间(从何时到何时);被邀请人详细简历;邀请方在匈牙利的住址及联系方式;访问目的及日程安排;前往口岸及途经国家;持有上述材料者方可获发旅游/商务签证。 7、申请人所持旅行证件须有足够有效签证进入所有目的地国家的入境签章,而且不能逾期逗留. 8、申请人所持护照有效期须为6个月或在境外居留有效期超出于6个月以上。 9、赴匈的旅费应由本人支付。 签证流程 1、填写申请表 2、交纳押金 (根据去匈牙利的目的是否是工作性质决定是否需要交)
3、准备资料送使馆审核 4、通过后等待面签通知 5、面试 6、获得签证,拿到签证需要三个礼拜的时间哦!! 所以最好要提前三个月开始办起呢~~! 在国内申请 Hungarian Business Visa Hungary Tourist visa is granted for a maximum period of three months at any one time and must be valid throughout the applicant's intended stay in Hungary, which may not exceed six months in total with no more than two consecutive periods of three month duration. In order to obtain entry permission for purposes other than tourist, business people have to submit evidence that they are genuine visitors: an invitation letter from their hosts, a contract between them, an explanation as to what the purpose of their visit will be etc. The validity of the Hungarian visa can only be extended once by the competent Immigration Office upon submission by the foreign national concerned of all documents confirming his or her intention to reside in Hungary permanently or temporarily. A Hungarian visa cannot automatically be converted into residency status. However, applicants should note that if the requirements necessary for obtaining the relevant type of residence permit are subsequently met during the holder's stay on the territory of Hungary then he or she would have the right to apply for such permits, but without retroactive effect. To do so means: -to request amendment of the visas issued, including its category and term of validity before expiry of these documents; or - to apply for new visas bearing the required categories and terms of validity. An application for extension of