

1.Don't be afraid of "losing face" - it is not a big deal if you make mistakes or don't know the answers to some questions (so long as your intentions are good). In fact, being self conscious about making mistakes can cause you to second guess yourself, and then make more mistakes.

2.Always be on time! This may seem like an obvious one but in Canada we really value punctuality. We understand that people have lives outside of their work, so we appreciate those who take the time to get where they need to go on time, especially when this means waiting for another person.

3.If someone helps you with something, give them feedback on how you think they could improve. For example: after you’ve been helped by an usher at church, tell him/ her how you felt he/ she did a great job, or ask what you can do to help next time. This will encourage others to keep doing things right and will show you care about the results you receive from other peoples' efforts.

4.When giving compliments, make sure you specify exactly what it is that you liked about somebody或something(not just generalities). The receiver will certainly feel encouraged by your compliment and likely be excited to share similar experiences. You can try, “When I saw you talking to [fill in the blank], I was impressed by the way you seemed so happy to see them”“I loved how you explained xxx to me. It made sense and I didn't feel stupid asking” “I admired the way you took charge when yyy happened. That gave me confidence in you too”

5.Ask for help! Nobody wants to hear that they are wrong all the time.Problems arise when our ego gets in the way of admitting we aren’t knowledgeable about everything. Therefore, you can increase the likelihood that you’ll be treated with kindness and respect by showing respect towards others and demonstrating that you are also willing to learn.


1,在加拿大千万别买任何奢侈品。你有钱你爱干嘛就干嘛!(比如买了包或者首饰)但是你要想清楚,你在加拿大的收入是什么档次,你想过没有万一你的收入不足以支付这些奢侈品的费用时候你该怎么办吗? 2、千万不要以为你是外国人就可以干一些在国内不能做的事情。 在国外做违法的事情一样要受法律制裁。 比如说偷车啊,入室盗窃啊什么的,别觉得在国外就没有人管的到你了。

3、绝对不要吸毒. 有可能你会被起诉的。 我有个朋友之前因为吸毒而被判了两年有期徒刑。虽然最后因为他是中国公民而在国内服刑,但是他还是留下了案底,对他以后找工作有非常大的影响。 如果你真的忍不住的话,可以在网上买点可卡因试试效果嘛。

4、如果是在中国犯罪或者在中国的法庭判刑的人,那他肯定是有前科的。所以最好不要在加拿大惹事生非。 中国有句老话叫做【祸从口出】。很多华人就是因为说了几句不该说的话而惹上麻烦的。
