作为一个5分小白,第一次做剑桥雅思42题目的时候,正确率不到30%。 做完题我都要哭了,这考试到底要怎么准备呀!完全摸不着头脑啊! 于是我把这个惨不忍睹的成绩发给雅思考官Patsy老师(感谢我的培训机构)。然后她给我回了这样一段话 “You have given me a lot to think about with this test. You need to work on the grammar but we also need to look at some of your answers as they don’t seem accurate so I will be sending you an email in which I will ask you for more details on each question and what you intended.“
考前两天Patsy给我发来邮件问我要考试的具体日期和时间,我说完我的疑虑之后她说 “I am hoping that you will do very well on the day and achieve the result that you are aiming for." 然后我就考到了7分...
所以如果你看到这篇答案,且你的目标也是7+,那我给的建议是 先放平心态,不要担心自己基础差而考不出好成绩。你要相信只要用心准备了,就一定会有好的结果。 其次要认真对待每次做题的机会。你或许可以做大量练习,但我希望你能把每次做题都当作一场大型模拟考试,认真完成每一项任务。这样练习的效果才会更好。 最后,祝你们早日和雅思分手!加油鸭!