

我在新西17年,从来没听到过有“允许公民持枪”这个说法的。 谁告诉你允许公民持枪了? 新西兰没有合法的公民持枪权(当然,黑市肯定是有的)。 这个国家只有两个合法持有枪支的群体:警察和军人。 而且法律也规定的很严格。

1、除非警察或者军人(以下简称为“持证人”),任何人不得进口或制造任何枪支; 2、除经认可用于体育目的并受适当管制的弹药外,禁止拥有、购买、持有、运输或出售任何弹药。 3、除了由专业培训且有合格证书的持枪人员可以持有武器(如猎枪)之外,其他任何个人都不得持有半自动步枪及突击步枪。 对违法者,将处以巨额罚款或监禁。

关于具体的法规,可参阅 新西兰刑法 关于枪械与爆炸物的章节。 这里给出链接: (复制过来的,如果打开比较慢,多试几次就好了) URL#gl-firearms 我把其中重要的法条粘贴在下面: New Zealanders are allowed to own and use firearms for sporting purposes, but the law is strictly controlled. You need a license, permit or other approval from the appropriate authorities before you can possess any weapon. Only people who have been properly trained in firearm safety, handling and use can be issued with these approvals. In addition to licensed shooters, only military personnel are generally able to obtain arms. Most civilian weapons are owned by licensed shooters or are held as collections in museums, clubs or by enthusiasts. Importing Firearms New Zealanders can purchase fireams at gun shows in the United States and Asia, but this is a very time-consumingand costly process that involves dealing with the U.S. Department of State and the New Zealand Bureau of Criminal Intelligence.The cost of importing a single firearm has been reported to exceed $10,000 in some cases. To import a firearm into New Zealand, you must meet rigorous criteria based on your background and the make and model of the firearm that you wish to bring into the country. For more details about international transfers see the New Zealand Police web page on firearms imports and exports. Manufacturing Firearms It is an offence in New Zealand to manufacture a firearm without holding all relevant licenses and permissions. A person found guilty could face up to seven years in prison and/or a fine of more than US$56,000.
