

美国F-1学生入境时,海关官员通常问的问题都集中在以下几个方面: 1.去美国的目的是什么?(What's your purpose for coming to the U.S.) 2.你在哪个学校学习或读书?(Which school are you studying/going to study at in the U.S?) 3.你在哪个城市念书?(Where will you be living after arriving? ) 4.你准备住在哪儿(who is sponsoring you and where will you live?) 5.你在美国的联络地址和电话是多少?(what is your contact address and phone number in the U .S?)(如果已经找到住宿会问到住址) 6.你是否拥有足够的钱来维持自己的学习和基本生活?(Do you have enough money? Do you have sufficient funds to support yourself during your studies here in the United States? If not, who will give you financial support?

7.你的护照有效期有多久?(How long does your passport last? Are there any visas or stamps in it that show that you were ever out of the country before? Where did you go, when did you travel and why? How do you account for how much money you had on your person then and now?) 8.你有移民倾向吗?(Are you a immigrant? Will you apply for permanent residency or green card as soon as possible once you arrive in U.S.Why choose this school rather than other schools? Why come back to China? What’s your plan after graduation from college? 9.你会说英语吧!(Can you speak English?) 10.你是自己来的吗?(Were you travelling alone? Who else went with you? Is there anyone waiting to meet you upon landing? Have you received the I-20 form yet? When was it issued by USCIS? By whom signed it? Which university authorized it? Has anybody asked you about these issues already? etc.) 对于这些问题,一般只要如实回答就可以了。但是,为了以防万一,在回答问题之前最好先整理好答案再跟海关人员说清楚,以免因一时紧张而答非所问或是遗漏关键信息。 在面谈过程中还应该注意以下几点: (1)保持沉着冷静,态度友好;

(2)不要有侥幸心理,切忌说谎,因为一旦被发现,后果会很严重; (3)尽量提供真实全面的材料证明自己是合法入境,避免自相矛盾的陈述;

(4)遇到棘手的问题时,可以请求协助,但不要擅自做主。 如果顺利通过了面签,那恭喜你拿到了赴美留学签证!希望同学们在赴美的路上一帆风顺~


我办过,当时也是自己弄的。 需要公证文件是必须用英文翻译公证件(因为美国大使馆要求的是你在中国有正式工作) 如果你的学校或者公司所在地不是大城市的话就难办了,因为大城市会有一整套翻译流程。 在你学校的网站里面找international office发邮件问他们有没有提供翻译服务,如果有就直接联系他们;如果没有就去公证处做(一般学校会有推荐)。 我记得我当时是在一个什么网站上找了一个网址,然后输入护照号就可以看到那个翻译件了,可以打印出来,去公证处的时候拿着就行,不用给原件,直接扫描就可以了。
