10年多次往返B2签证,可以理解为,在10年内任意一次入境美国时,给与10年内再次入境的签证有效性批准。 需要注意的是,这个B2签证是入美时的临时签证,而不是入美后的长期居留签证。而持有何种长期的合法赴美身份,需要根据您的目的来具体确定。
比如,您只是去旅游,那么您在入境时就可以申请到10年的B2签证;如果您要去美国读书,则需要申请F1学生签证或者M1学徒工签证;如果要去工作,则要申请H1b工作签证(对于留学生来说)或者是L1跨国高管和经理人员移民签证以及E2投资人签证等。 如果说B2签证是给“人”签的话,那么F1就是给“学习”签,M1是给“学徒”签等等。。。
这里要提醒大家注意的是,即便是您拥有10年有效期的B2签证,在入境时依然会被海关官员询问您的入境原因并且做出是否给予入境决定的,这一点大家一定不要忘了。所以大家在填写DS-160表的时候,一定要认真仔细不要填错,以免引起不必要的麻烦。另外,虽然美国驻华使领馆已经全面开放预约B类签证的面谈资格,但仍有部分地区处于严重积压状态,因此建议大家还是按照目前所在地区的排期进行申请为好! 关于B2入境时常见被盘问的问题总结如下,仅供参考。
Q: What are your plans when you arrives in the U.S? A: Plan to visit my relatives and friends, plan to attend a conference etc. Q: Where will you stay during visiting US? Do you have reservation already for hotel or other accommodation places? A: I may stay with some of my relatives/friends here, if not I would book hotel. But now it is hard to make any booking cause there is a very high demand at this time. Q: How often do you travel to USA? And who payed all these trip? A: I visited America three times before, two were for holiday , one was for business purpose(for job interview). My salary paid by my company so they also spend money on me. This is first time that I apply B visa, previous ones from China were Visa Waiver Program which requires no prior visa issued. Q: Why did you choose our school? What degree will you be taking? A: Because their programs suit me best , Bachelor’s Degree, Computer Science Department. Q: Who pays for your studies? Your family or yourself? And how much does it cost every year? A: Both myself and parents can afford the tuition fees, but it depends whether we want to send the money back home each month or try saving as much as possible. Generally speaking, it costs about USD8000 per academic year. Q: Are you married or going to get married? Do you have children or expecting them? If yes, please tell us details e.g. name, age and gender? A: No , both of us just graduated from college couple years ago 所以还没有经济能力养活孩子, thank you! (感觉这样回答太敷衍了,最好还是要解释一下为什么没有生孩子,毕竟这是赴美生子热门国家嘛~ ) Q: Have you ever been banned from entering USA? A: Never, nor anyone else in my family history.