

雅思口语考试的话题总是围着我们的生活而转,最近一次雅思口语的真题中就出现了关于“local” 的话题。那么什么是「local」呢? 「Local」在雅思口语中的意思是指我们生活的周边。雅思口语题目总是从生活出发的,所以了解并收集一些相关的话题素材很有必要~ 接下来我分享一下有关「local」话题的干货,让你离7分更近一步!

1. 描述一个你生活中有改变的街道或者小区。

2. 描述一件你已经做了十几年的事情,现在突然觉得没有意思了。

3. 描述一个你已经忘记了很久的礼物,但是别人送给你的时候你突然想起来了。

4. 描述一个地方,它现在和你记忆中美好的样子不一样了。

5. 描述一件你小时候很害怕,但现在已经不害怕的事情。

6. 描述一种你非常喜欢,但是你现在不能接触或者拥有它的情况。

7. 描述一件事情的开始和结局都不在你身边,但是这件事对你的影响很大。

8. 描述你对某种“技术”的使用过程,这个技术对你很重要或你没有想到它会这么有用。

9. 描述一个你与某人进行争吵然后相互理解的事。

10. 描述一个你最喜欢的网站以及你会怎么使用它。

除了以上的十大问题外,还可以准备一下与本地相关的词汇和表达方式。 比如: 如果你还没有备考雅思,那建议你先刷一波雅思历年真题,了解一下雅思的出题方向和风格,这里也推荐一下剑雅真题集,官方且权威!


I’m glad you asked me this one, because there are so many things to say.The obvious changes are the construction of new buildings and roads and the development and expansion of the airport. Because of this, the traffic has become much heavier. When I was younger, it took half an hour to drive to downtown, but now it takes at least an hour.

Another big and very important change is that there is a lot more awareness and involvement in helping the less fortunate. There are many charities in my hometown now, and people are volunteering in them all the time. Even the big companies are getting into the act and donating money when natural disasters such as earthquakes and hurricanes strike.

One of the downsides of these positives though is that there is now too much traffic so it takes longer to get to places. And with so many businesses and charities all building new headquarters, a lot of green space and open areas where young people used to go and hang out have been gone.

But I think we can live with those downsides, don’t you agree?
