

Oxford University has 59 self-governing colleges, each with its own hall of residence for undergraduates. The colleges are all different in their character and history, but share a commitment to academic excellence, individual choice, and the development of young minds into thoughtful citizens who will make an impact on the world. 翻译成中文就是:牛津大学有59所自我管理学院,每一所都有供本科生的宿舍。这些学院在性质和历史上都有着不同的特点,但它们都致力于学术卓越、个人选择和头脑的发育——把年轻的心灵培育成对世界有影响的深思熟虑的公民。

The colleges are not just residential halls, however; they are the heart of university life and home to student societies and extracurricular activities. They have their own tutors and academic staffs that supervise undergraduate research projects and provide personal and academic support. And students do not move out after graduation—the college is where alumni stay connected to the school. 这些学院不仅仅是住宅大楼;它们是大学生活的中心,学生社团与课外活动都在这里开展。他们有各自的导师和学术人员来监督本科生项目并提供个人和学术上的支持。学生毕业后不会搬出去——校友关系仍然在这里保持。

There are some unique features about Oxford’s education system that distinguish it from other universities around the world. One is the lack of departmental structure, which means there are no formal academic divisions between subjects. All schools and departments are based within one of the colleges. Another key difference is the way exams work. Instead of taking exams at specific times of year, students take them whenever they are ready to submit—there are no set deadlines or schedules. This creates a more flexible learning environment that allows students to chart their own course and work at their own pace. 最后,牛津大学的考试体系也有其独特的特征,使它区别于世界各地的大学。一个是缺乏院系结构,这意味着没有正式的教学部门之间的划分。所有的学校和工作部门都设在学院的某一个地点。另一个重要的区别是考试的组织方式。与传统的大纲不同,学生们不是在特定的时间参加考试,他们随时准备提交时就可以考取——没有任何固定的时间表或时间表。这创造了一种更具灵活性的学习环境,让学生自己制定学习路线和节奏。

Oxbridge (as the two institutions are often referred to collectively) may boast the highest teaching standards in the UK, but they also deliver a uniquely British approach to higher education: challenging, unconventional, and above all, memorable. 对于这两个机构(牛津大学和剑桥大学)常常一起被称为“Oxbridge” 来说,虽然它们可能拥有一流的教学标准,但它们也提供了一种与众不同的英国高等教育模式:具有挑战性、与众不同,最重要的是令人难忘。
