美签面试的通过率是根据申请人综合情况进行评估,与个人资料好坏无关。因为面试时,不仅考察所提供材料的真实性,更重要的是考查申请人的面访表达、英语能力以及综合素质,这些方面如果欠缺就会使签证官产生怀疑,从而导致拒签! 那么,怎样才能顺利通过面试呢?除了准备好材料之外,以下几点也要格外注意:
1. 着装得体
2. 提前熟悉行程安排和签证材料清单
3. 准备充分,对签证官提出的问题做到对答如流并体现出去美国是合理的
4. 自信从容,有礼貌,不紧张
5. 注意自己的语气和用词,尽量不要使用模糊性语言来回答问题(比如可能啊什么的)
6. 不隐瞒或者编造自己过往的经历 如果您通过签证几率小,或者需要提升面试技巧,您可以咨询我们,我们会根据您的实际情况制定专属于您的方案! 希望所有申请人都能顺利获得签证哦~
美签面试常见问题有哪些? 美签面试问答通常都是围绕DS-160表格内容进行的,但是也有可能会问到一些其他的问题,下面我们将列出来常见的一些面试问题供大家参考: Q:请介绍一下你的家庭 A:我的丈夫是谁?他做什么工作?我有多少个孩子?他们叫什么名字/他们的年龄多大?他们是哪国人?他们在哪个学校读书? Q:你为什么要去美国? 为什么想去那个城市?打算在美国待多久?你去那里的目的是什么?你为什么选择我们去美国?为什么不去别的地方?你在那里有朋友吗?你想做什么?你能为这个签证成功做什么?你将怎样返回中国?Q:为什么想要出国学习/工作等...... A:Why study or work in US? Why do you want to come here, not go somewhere else? If I say no what will happen after that? You should answer with some logic and without giving any negative impression about yourself such as low education standard ,weak economy etc…You only need to give the logical explanation why are you looking towards USA? And try to explain like this if there is a chance then definitely it would be possible for us to have an interview again but still we cannot assure anything because all cases depends upon different circumstances of applicants.If your reason behind going to America has positive meaning which show good intention then obviously visa officer must take into consideration these factors while deciding whether to grant visa or not.It’s completely up on him/her how he wish to proceed further?
So at first time never forget to present your genuine purpose of visiting U.S with full of optimism attitude otherwise you may fail to convince them even though they might give positive reply in beginning.But generally speaking everyone wants to get a positive response from their side so that could help them to make decision easily? So please don’t ever expect that if you got bad response once from visa officer than next time also same thing can occur so think logically.Please note here that every applicant situation is little bit different and each case needs its own solution? What worked before maybe doesn't work now; hence, one solution does not fit all cases! There might be many other reasons resulting in denial too besides the reasons mentioned above?