

Alma is a small town in the province of Saskatchewan. It's just over an hour drive from Saskatoon and about two hours northeast of Regina. 阿尔玛是一个小型镇,位于萨斯喀彻温省。它距离萨斯克托伊约一小时车程,距离里贾纳东北方向约两小时车程。 There are around 5000 people who live there year round and during the summertime it swells to close to ten thousand. 有大约5000名居民常年居住在那里,夏季时人口会猛增至近十万。 We've traveled across Canada by RV several times now, and this was one of our favorite places we visited on that trip. 我们这次是开着露营车穿越加拿大的,这是我最喜欢的地方之一。 The city is surrounded by farms and has a really nice little downtown area with shops, restaurants and coffee shops. 城市四周都是农场,有一个很棒的小商业区,有商店、餐馆和咖啡厅。 And best of all, you can go fishing in the river right behind the mall! 最棒的是,商场后面的河里可以钓鱼! In the winter the rivers freeze so you can skate or snowmobile on them. 冬天河水结冰了,于是人们可以在上面溜冰或驾驶雪地摩托车。 You can also ice fish in the winter, and if you don't like fish, there are plenty of other things to do.

冬季还可以在河上钓冰鱼(一种像鳕鱼的淡水鱼)。如果你不喜欢吃鱼,这里还有其他很多可供游玩的项目。 During the warm months, there are tons of camping options nearby as well, so whether you're looking for a quiet place to get away from it all or want to be close to all the activities, Alma has something for everyone! 在温暖的日子里,附近有很多露营地,无论你是想找个安静的地方远离凡俗还是想在户外活动中尽情挥洒汗水,阿尔玛都适合你。


爱姆顿,别名是“油城”(因为这里有一个很大的炼油厂) ,是一座位于加拿大萨斯喀彻温省的中等城市 (Municipal),同时也是该省的省会 (Provincial capital of Saskatchewan),也是该地区重要的铁路和公路交通枢纽之一. 爱姆顿的地理座标为北纬52度31分55秒—西经104度39分26秒;面积约为786 km²,海拔约在1 000米之上。市区人口大约7万。
