

10万美元左右,合70多万人民币 美国大学的费用大致可以分为学杂费(tuition & fees)和生活费(living expenses)两个部分。 以MIT为例: Tuition and fees for the 2019-2020 academic year are $50,650. Tuition will be adjusted annually to reflect changes in college operations and costs or student enrollment patterns, so your tuition payment may vary slightly from this amount depending on these factors.

The actual cost of attending MIT is higher than the tuitions listed above as it does not cover other expenses such as housing, health care等。 In addition, students who live off campus pay a higher tuition rate - approximately $48,000 per year. For comparison, the total required for a bachelor’s degree at Harvard is about $73,000, including tuition, room and board, and fees. This includes both public and private universities. At state schools, the average tuition price is just over $10,000 less than what you'd pay at an Ivy League school like MIT. The reason why MIT is so expensive is because the university uses a lot of money towards financial aid—over 50% of undergraduates receive some form of need-based financial assistance, making MIT one of the most affordable top-ranked schools in the country。

In addition to its high level of academic rigor, another reason why applicants choose Massachusetts Institute of Technology is the generous financial aid policy. For domestic students, financial aid can take many forms, including grants、scholarships和bank loans; international students have access to similar resources, though they apply through a different process. All first-year students with a valid FAFSA are considered for institute scholarships that do not need to be repaid.

A key part of applying for financial aid is completing the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA). Many colleges require that applicants submit their FAFSA information by March 1st for the following school year's freshman class. Some award institutions even base scholarship decisions on the strength of a student's FAFSA application.

It is crucial to complete a FAFSA every year before any school year begins, especially if you want to be eligible for institutional grants, which usually do not carry interest rates或are low-interest loan alternatives. Students should also keep in mind any special eligibility requirements for






